Clutter can be said to be in the eyes of the beholder. Some person’s “organized” paper pile mounds might another person’s view of clutter. Another person’s treasured collection of stuff over-powering a room might be another person’s vision of ugly.
The question remains – is it clutter or is it some sort of functional disorder? Or maybe even a work of art … Whatever it is, it’s someone’s organized clutter.
And, as I said, it’s all in the eyes of the beholder …
Clutter Re-envisoned
1. The Decorated Junk Car
2. Re-purposed Car Art
3. The Clutter Heap Transporter
4. Car Stuff
5. The Garage-Seller
6. The Photo Wall
7. The Post-it View Wall
8. The Clutter-view Selfie
9. The Pet Toy-Clutter
10. Bohemian Clutter
11. The Holiday House
12. The Curb-side Junk Decor
13. The Junk Cathedral
This is a real “Cathedral of Junk” (in Austin, TX) … for real. Really.
14. Wall Art Clutter
And I just couldn’t finish off this article without showing you these …
15. The Clutter Art Exhibits

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