Tag: professional organizers

When To Make That Call For Organizing Help

Nowadays most people find themselves too busy to keep up with keeping their home organized.

And things happen when home affairs get neglected – Papers get accumulated in places where they shouldn’t be; clothes closets get stuffed with too many clothes; kitchen cupboards become a nightmare; bills fall through the cracks unpaid … and so forth and so on.

When the home has accumulated enough clutter, it can result in unbearable living conditions. But where do you start when the home is now an overwhelming mess?

DIY Organizing

You can, of course, employ DIY (Do It Yourself) home organizing. Maybe you have books on the subject? Maybe you’ve watched past TV shows like Clean House, Clean Sweep, Mission Organization, Neat, or the present show Tidying Up With Marie Kondo to help you figure out organizing techniques?

Yet if you’ve watched any of those shows and possess any of those organizing books but still find yourself not getting organized, I recommend calling a Professional Organizer for the help you need to get the job done.

Professional Organizing

Calling for help is like an investment in yourself. It’s hard to put a price tag on having peace of mind, feeling happy in your home environment, or accomplishing what you couldn’t do yourself.

You can expect professional rates for this kind of professional organizing assistance. But again, what’s that worth in terms of its value to you?

When you have a legal problem, you call a lawyer. When you need help with taxes, you might hire an accountant. If you have a clogged drain, you probably call a plumber.

There are many professionals you might hire in the course of life who have the expertise to get the job done that you can’t. And the cost on getting the help you need is priceless when it comes to your well being.

What Does a Professional Organizer Do Exactly?

Similar to what you may have seen on TV or read in books, the organizing expert first accesses what is going on in the space. With a simple walk-through the Organizer can observe where clutter has accumulated, what issues reside in closets and cabinets, and any problems that make it difficult to be organized.

The job then moves onto sorting an area of a problem room or space and, with the client’s input, make decisions on any items that can be donated or trashed. The things left are then organized into “homes” (or designated places) for those items, or worked into a system (like a paper flow system).

When one room or space is finished, the Organizer sorts another problem room or space until the entire home is cleared of clutter or organization issues.

Your Role With A Professional Organizer

The primary role a client has with an Organizer is to make decisions on items to get rid of.

That’s it. Really. Seriously.

The client doesn’t have to prepare for the Organizer to come start, nor expected to do any of the organizing work. As a matter of fact, it is best NOT to try and clean up any mess before the Organizer comes or they may not be able to find out the underlying problems and create better foundations to staying organized.

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10 Ways A Professional Organizer Changes Someone’s Life

This is an article I wrote about professional organizers and how they make a difference in people’s lives.

The rewards of the professional organizing profession are numerous and professional organizers are often called “miracle workers” after they put order in.

Source: 10 Ways A Professional Organizer Changes Someone’s Life |

As a professional organizer since 1994, I’ve seen incredible results with clients whose lives are transformed after order is established. It’s one of those benefits of this profession that make it all worthwhile, no matter how laborious it can sometimes be!

The reason I wrote this was to show my students starting out in this career how much of a difference they will be making for people. That’s why it is posted on the Professional Organizer Academy site.

But I realized it is also something that others should know – that the expertise of a professional organizer is something they can count on to help them improve their situation or lifestyle. And that’s why I’m sharing this with you here.

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