When you have a home organization issue, there are some very ingenious ways to fix it. But “a quick fix, really?” you may ask. “Just how quick?” Well, it depends on how fast you can move to find any of the items in this article – this could be your organizing scavenger hunt!
Since there are dozens of ways to get organized and dozens of various organizing solutions, the ones I wanted to show you here are the quick fix remedies- especially since you may already have some of these around your house already. This makes the task much quicker – again, it depends on how fast you can move to find them around in your house (or how fast you can get to a dollar store).
The way I see it, if a lot of stuff is just lying around, it’s clutter. If it’s put away in (or on) something, it’s organized. This goes for hidden places like cabinets, drawers and closets. Just use any of these inventions and you will be cured. I mean, your home will be cured.
1. The Jar
Open food in cabinets can become unruly, not to mention that the food can get stale faster. So a jar is a good fix for that.

2. The Basket
What a great bin these turned out to be in trying to get organized indeed.

3. The Container
Now these are fabulous, simply fabulous. You can just throw in like-items and group them together in a container.

And tiered containers with drawers … marvelous!

4. Plastic Shoebox Containers
If I got a dollar for every use I found for these, I’d be so very rich.

5. The Can
If you haven’t saved any of your food cans, start putting some aside because they can be a useful thing to use in getting some of those pesky utensils organized.

Even a small trash can comes in handy for other things besides trash.

6. Canvas Bins
These seem to be quite popular in stores now and must be selling well since they are still around. I bet you have some. If you do, throw some stuff in them.

7. Dollar Store Bins
A cheap fix to hold just about anything. Think about the under the sink clutter and try putting it to use there for a start.

8. Drawer Trays
For those kitchen drawer blues, these nifty trays do wonders inside drawers.

(via therealisticorganizer.blogspot.com)
9. The Tool Box
Another cheap fix from the dollar store – the plastic tool box. Throw all your craft stuff in, or whatevers, it doesn’t matter. It’s useful for something.

10. The Bucket
Again, if you don’t have one or two of these around, take a trip to the dollar store. They have a use.

11. The Lazy Susan
It’s not called the Lazy Susan for nothing – it may have been invented for lazy people trying to stay organized, is my guess. Who it’s named after is simple – it’s Susan.
Okay, so you you may not have it lying around your house. But just go out and buy one (or two or three or …).
Now this incredible turntable invention can be used as a treatment for a lot of kitchen issues – namely those deep cupboards which hide our stuff behind other stuff in the front row.

And you can use them in your fridge as well since they share an equal problem of hiding stuff.

I personally go a little crazy when it comes to these because I also use them on my countertop to group stuff on that clutters the counter. And I’ve seen them used on desktops to group desktop accessories too.

12. The File Folder
Forget about your filing system for now (or lack of) … and use those file folders for paper you can’t quite find a home for (other than your kitchen counter – which is not really a home, but a resting place that gives you no rest). Pocket folders are even greater.

Now, if you have some of those really cool plastic transparent folders, the better to see your stuff with, my dear!

13. The Notebook Binder
You know, these binders are not just for students to carry around their school papers (do they still use these, I wonder?). They are actually the perfect cure for accumulated papers because you didn’t want them stuffed inside some forgotten file cabinet.
Take for instance, all those clippings of your favorite recipes, those dozens of restaurant menus you’ve collected, and let’s not forget to mention those project papers you needed handy.

14. The Clipboard
I’ve never known a home to be without one of these. But if you’re one of those few that didn’t bother to get one, here’s something you can do with it that could help you get a handle on all those papers.

15. The Envelope
Got envelopes? Try using it for receipts and misc. paper stuff.

16. The Hanger
Think outside the box when it comes to hangers – you can actually hang other stuff on them beside clothing.

17. The Totebag
Quite a clever thing, particularly for gathering up all those items on the loose and keeping them there until you find another home for them.

Even papers can be toted around if you find yourself mobile a lot.

18. The Bag
For all those bags you’ve saved, now is the time to put them to real use.

19. The Gift Bag
The gift bag is a good start to be on the stylish side of organizing.

20. The Box
Wow, what an invention this was! I saved this one for last because we probably all have a box or two around that isn’t being properly utilized – especially some archive banker boxes.

…or those shoe boxes that never got tossed after we took the shoes out.

And low and behold, you can even use shoe boxes to store shoes!